Monday, October 27, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
My second reason would be, he can relate to many people. He can relate to many people of different ethnicities and genders. He has had somewhat of a hard life and he came this far and is doing something good with his life. That is something to look at and be proud of. It is extremely amazing because its different than tradition in a good way. He is an inspiration to many people, He is CHANGE and many fear this, but most want it. Alot of people are voting for Obama because he is black but i am not one of them. I believe he is truly educated and well aware of whats going on in the world, and he is finally going to make a difference. People like him are very strong mentally, and he can take a lot i'm sure.
My last and final reason to choose Obama for president is because his attitude. He does not walk around stuck up. He seems down to earth and well brought up by himself. He doesn't have a bad attitude and still stands talk when Mckain is snappy. I think he is the bigger and better man for his personality. He is not fake to me from how he presents and caries himself. Mckain seems very sketchy. He also cares about the middle class which is what i stand in. He is also focused on helping the poor. We would be very fortunate in having him as our leader i believe.
Monday, October 20, 2008
One of the main reasons, I would vote for Obama is because his plan on healthcare. We need a plan where all Americans could afford the necessary health care they need. Right now, many Americans are having a hard time paying their insurance bills. This is a hard time for Americans to pay, knowing they high costs at doctors, and other economic issues are country is facing. Obama can help, by making the insurance companies cover most of the money, which can help many people. With this policy, half of the tension will be gone from families! This is tough, because I’m going to be going into the medical field, and there are people who still have to co pay before a check up. It’s expensive to pay for everything, its takes up too much money. I’m taking healthcare as a serious problem, because I’m going to have to be facing these problems as well. I don’t want to be in the same shoes as these Americans are, they’re having a tough time with all these medical bills.
Also, for economy issues I think Obama would do a better job. Many people think that with McCain, taxes wouldn't raise, but I think they are wrong. Taxes would actually be raised. One proof is that with the war going on, we will be spending much more money, and it will come from taxes. Also, we are in debt. And we have to pay that off, and that’s where McCain would have to higher the taxes. This is where I strongly go for Obama. This is because; I think he’s the right person to bring our troops back. The sooner the war ends, the sooner we will get out of this problem. Yet, it will take time but at least it should be done quicker. Our nation needs a change, and Obama is the right person who can actually help solve our problem.
Oh baby bama!
Education. Obama has this "Zero to Five" plan which educates kids before they go to kindergarten. He is also going to start voluntary and universal pre-school! Super! Obama will also help with college tuition with the American Opportunity Tax Credit, which will try to make the first $4,000 of tuition free for most students. This would have been awesome for me because, well, I am entering my college years and if this plan was in tact now, maybe I wouldn't have been so settled on a community college and actually tried to apply to a state or UC.
Health care. Many people today are living without it because of the high prices. Obama's universal health care coverage lowers the cost of health insurance. And what's pretty neat is that he's going to create a health care system for children. That's considerate of him! Ya!
Oh and then there's abortion. Let's say I'm a wreckless and irrisponsible teenager that got pregnant now. I'd sure like to abort it. I'm not saying, "Hell yeah I want to kill this thing living inside me!"It'd be hard but you know...I wouldn't want my baby to live a crappy and poor life because of me. I'd like to finish school and whatnot and become rich...THEN get a baby in me so I can raise it. If I were fetus-girl, I'd much rather be aborted than be born into a poor house with no poppa and starve. And thankfully, Obama man has my back on this. He supports the Supreme Court's decision on Roe vs. Wade. So I have the choice to do what I want.
I was hypothetically speaking earlier...I'm not trying to say that I'm gonna go about and vote for Obama, then get pregnant as many times as I can and then abort em. I'm not that heartless.
vote for barack obama!
The first reason I would vote for Obama is because he represents change, more so than McCain who is way too conservative for my liking. Obama really wants to see this country back on its feet again after 8 years of hell from Bush. I see a great determination in him and he has a lot of great ideas to turn this nation around. Another reason I’d vote for him is because he has a very experience running mate as opposed to McCain’s choice. Biden has a lot of experience in the Senate and he would be an excellent successor should anything ever happen to Obama. Having Palin as President would kill this nation. She’d make the national sport hockey and bomb abortion clinics. The US would be so vulnerable to foreign attack with her as President. She should just stick to governing her little state that has been under the nation’s radar until just 6 or 7 weeks ago. There is a high chance of McCain dropping dead soon too.
My last reason for voting for Obama is because he thinks of the little guy. He calls out to the middle class and thinks of them in his proposals. He wants to support the middle class and bring them up in society while McCain just wants the rich to stay rich. This is of major importance because I will be in that middle class during my college years and higher education, and I want good health benefits and insurance, the best education at low costs, etc. It is the middle class that needs the most attention because it is them who are struggling in this broken economy. The rich will stay rich, and even if they lose money they will still be rich. The middle class are the ones who are struggling in this financial meltdown from paying high gas prices to getting their homes foreclosed. It is imperative that we vote for Barack Obama who will help the people who need a leader to stand up on their behalf when no one else will. He will bring change to this country and turn this nation into the greatest nation on Earth once again. I vote for Senator Barack Obama for President of the United States of America.
senor barack
abortion: he gives women the right to choose what they want to do. if a women wants to have an abortion i think she should be able to. who is the government to say what a woman can or cant do with her body? maybe someone shouldve been more careful but at the same time babies come from rape, unwanted sex and accidental fertilization. barack supports extended access to birth control, more information and services that may reduce unintended pregnancies. his plans include more sex education, distributing contraceptives equally and offering education to rape victims on how to use emergency contraceptives. the thing i like the most is that he stands behind womens rights. i know if i got pregnant right now i would definetly turn to abortion. there is no way i could keep a baby im not ready for. so go obama!
immigration: he wants to 'fix the broken system'. i think the u.s. should let immigrants in. all theyre doing is coming here for a better life and more oppurtunities. its not like theyre coming and taking jobs. the only jobs they get are the shitty ones like working in fields and whatnot. i know for a fact that most, if not all americans would not want to be working in fields and doing garden work. they should appreciate the fact that immigrants come here with nothing and work so hard to make a better life for them and their fmailies. barack also says that of we can reunite families then why not? he also says that the immigrants have skills that our ecomony needs..aka farm skills. barack also wants to promot a better development in mexico. one thing i dont really like is that barack pretty much doesnt want immigrants here.
education: he believes in early education for infants..myself, not so much. i dont think infants should be educated becuase its not necessary. theyre babies maybe like 4 years old should be introduced to education but not little babies. i like his plan to make high child education affordable for families that cant really afford much. intervention stratagies to lower drop out rates is a great idea. we need people to graduate and without graduating they wont be anywhere. supporting english learners is nice of him too. bilingual education is really important and obama wants to make sure the schools make sure those students complete school. they should be teaching them and helping them succeed. college is important to me since i will start in less than a year and obama is saying that $4,000 will be given to college students [most families]. its not much but it definitly helps. covering 2/3 of public univeristies and even making community college tuition virtually free, these things will definitly help out alot of students who deserve to go to college.
Forget Democrats and Republicans... Go Libertarians!
If I could vote this election, I would not vote for Obama like everybody else here, but Bob Barr of the Libertarian Party.
I am not voting Bob Barr because of who he is, but what he stands for. The Libertarian Party's views and ideas are very similar to my own and I agree with the policies they have in mind. It is naive to think that they would arouse enough supporters to break America out of its two party system, however. Anyway, the Libertarians' policies include relaxing gun control laws, eliminating drug prohibition, limiting the power and sovereignty of government officials, and allowing more rights to the American people in ways that have proven to work well. Both the Democratic and Republican Parties are untrustworthy and have worked to create the giant government monopoly that exists in America today. Both of the parties lie and contradict themselves in the political nonsense they spew. It is because of the two parties that America is this deep pool of danger right now. The candidates for the parties aren't too impressive themselves. Despite what he claims, Obama is a pretty bad judge of character and is still inexperienced in executive matters. McRage is dangerously unstable and his campaign of lies and attacks on his opponent leaves something to be desired. Joe Biden is a man filled with gaffes and mistakes, talking way too much for his own good. I'm not even going to start on Palin. While Bob Barr is not the choice candidate for the Libertarians, he still stands for liberty and rights that Americans should have in the first place.
The Libertarian ideas for crime and punishment is one that I agree very strongly with. The system today has too many loopholes and injustice. Government officials themselves can easily get out of what they had done as long as it remains quiet, and they can easily bail out anyone they like from whatever crime they commit. Under the libertarians, this corruption would at least be curbed down. Criminals would pay any and all expenses caused to the victims, in addition to their sentences, and would be held entirely accountable and responsible for their crimes. The Libertarians would end drug prohibition, which creates unnecessary drama in the justice system. Ending the drug prohibition would allow the elimination of programs made just for keeping with that law, allowing more time and money to be spent on real, violent crimes. It would free up prison space devoted to drug sentences for robbers and murderers who should be in there longer anyway. Libertarians would relax gun regulatory laws and encourage the possession of concealed weapons, which would allow better protection and safety. The party would also kill the government regulated school system that is failing and allowing more felons into the streets. More personal rights leads to more personal justice.
Other issues addressed by the libertarians include the economy, foreign policy, personal freedoms, healthcare, welfare, and taxes. The party would eliminate the bailouts and government spending on the "free market" to the larger companies, allowing the companies to be held responsible for their mistakes. They would stop the dependency on aid from the US in foreign countries whose economies have been stumped by the interference of America. The party would end the faulty welfare system that creates dependencies and unfair taxations, and promote more productive ways to solve poverty, such as creating more available jobs. The Libertarians encourage private charities, businesses, and programs that would be more cost effective and limit the power of the government. Healthcare would be deregulated to allow cheaper and more accessible medication and treatment. Without welfare and all of these useless or ineffective government liabilites, taxes would naturally lessen and become less of a burden, allowing poverty to lessen as well. Most important to me, the Libertarian party would not place limitations on media and freedom of speech, and would get rid of the censorship that lets government regulate the information given and received. This is not Soviet Russia or Imperial Japan, this is the land of freedoms and rights. The Democratic and Republican parties only limit these rights and expand the jurisdiction and power of government while keeping themselves safe.
Only Libertarians can save America from the authoritarian tyranny that the government is becoming. He may not win, but voting for Bob Barr would at least confuse the polls a bit and maybe allow some political electoral blunder show itself and cause the American people to realize what they have almost subject themselves to.
Arnold Chow
Sunday, October 19, 2008
( 30 S ) I would VOTE for........
1) Tax cuts : Obama said in his numerous debates that he is for tax cuts in the upper and middle class. Where as his competitor says we should leave the rich rich and keep the poor poor. Obama has stated that our economy is at an all time low. It has never been this low since the Great Depression! He is rallying a proposal called business tax credits. What that is, is simply tax cuts depending on your salary. He stated that we need to help struggling homeowners. Not only them but low financial businessess as well. If elected he would make this his top priority. We need our people to be rich, so our economy can follow.
2) Health Care : Obama, along with Biden, both agree that health care needs a new approach with the people. Health care has become a major issue with those who are struggling on a steady income. The types of insurance have too many fall throughs and too many side effects. What i mean by this is that if you want a plan that truly helps you have to unacceptable choices. One choice is that you let the government choose your plan and increase your taxes. Or you make a plan but have an unreliable service and/or doctor. Without consent of your doctors, how can you bond and how can they truly understand your situation? With Obamas plan, doctors are chosen by the patient and become more friendly visits. You can trust your hospita more, and not get higher taxes. Costs for insurance were said to drop by $2, 500 yearly.
3) Education : There are a few problems with the way our educational system is run today. Bush left us with a system call no child left behind. A great plan in theory, with major flaws. Though it does reach out to those who feel like the government doesnt care, it throws us back economically. If we support those who are not from this country, how can get out of debt? The debt I speak of is the one we have as american college citizens. I care because i am about to be a college attendant so Obama is talking about my fututre. He wants to help show parents that financial aid is available and that they are here to help. He has proved this through his 0 to 5 plan for infants to children. Biden and Obama want to help working people out as well with affordable child care programs for the time challenged families.
...You call it procrastination...I call it boredom.
I would vote for Obama...
1) I like his plan for the economic because he promised that every tax payer can get money back. He will give 95% of the working family and the middle class tax cut. A tax break for the people who don't have money now, so they can save money. He also provide tax credit for every company that is creating job in America. He had a long-term challenge to fix energy policy. McCain said he wants to let the rich people spread the wealth around instead of let Obama get the rich people's wealth and spread it around. I disagree with it, because the rich people never give their money out to help the others. Obama's running mate is better, he knows what the middle class need because he had experienced, so his economic policies would help the American middle class. Obama said he will no longer borrow money from China and send it to Saudi Arabia, the money should spend on other things that good for our country. He has policy to raise wages for middle class.
2) Obama has a better policy for education. He wants to reform the No Child Left Behind Act. He thought we need both money and reform. He said every child should ready to go to school, school need to get huge benefit. He thought that we should have new teachers and give teachers higher pay. The important thing is to make college affordable. He said he had meet many students who can't decide go to college or not to go to college because it cost a lot of money. They have to pay a lot of debts after they went to college and it would be a huge amount. He said so he will make the financial aid more easy to apply. The last thing for us to do is the Parents! Paents should show more responsibilities and help the students. I agree! So I think Obama can creata a better school system.
3) Obama promised he will bring fundamental changes. He wants college for every young person who wants to go and he wants to work for children. He believes a brighter day still ahead. He opposes the unfair trade policies. He said he will bring health care for all Americans. He will lower the cost of the health insurance. He also opposes late abortion unless it affects the mother's health. He thought the American economic needs a new direction. Federal government should step up to help the local schools.
1. Support for the Working Class Family- Obama-Biden will create a new tax credit called "Making Work Pay". This will create tax credit of up to $500/person, or even $1,000/working family. It'll help relieve up to 10 million Americans of income taxes. Another aspect of the plan that I agree with, is the raise of minimum wage to $9.50/Hour. As quoted by Obama-Biden, " people who work full time should not live in poverty". If elected, Obama hopes to have this enacted by year 2011. Obama-Biden will also expand the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit. Obama-Biden believes that low-income families should be able to receive up to a 50 percent credit for their child care expenses. But the BEST part is, Obama-Biden plan to expand PAID sick days. Obama-Biden will required at least seven paid sick days.
2. HEALTHCARE!Obama-Biden believes that Americans are faced with two extremes too often. So thier new plan is to develop health care that will benefit every American worker. But if you are currently satified with your health plan, then nothing changes, other than the decrease of payment rates. The Obama-Biden plan will establish a National Health Insurance Exchange. This will provide a range of private insurance options as well as a new public plan based on benefits available to members of Congress. Thus allowing individuals and, or small businesses to buy affordable health coverage. So everyone will be able to recieve health care. The Obama-Biden plan will also be able to decrease the cost of a typical family health plan by nearly $2,500. They will promote public health services, and provide necessary screenings.
3.EDUCATION-As a highschool senior, my main priority is graduating, and preparing for college. And as well all know, college is a major money problem. I believe that in voting for Obama, his plans will provide college students with more support in financial aid. The application of financial aid is already confusing enough, and not being ableto fill it in completely will prevent students from recieving the money they deserve. I believe that is completely unfair. The Obama-Biden plan will simplify this process by just a check in a box on the tax form, allowing their tax information to be used, thus eliminating the confusing process of the seperate form. Another good aspect of the Obama-Biden plan is the American Opportunity Plan. The American Opportunity Plan provides college students an opportunity to recieve refundable credit that will provide the first $4,000 completely free for most Americans, and will provide two-thirds the cost of tuition at the average public college or university. It will also provide a completely free community college education. All of this money, for just 100 hours of community service in exchange. GREAT ISN'T IT?!
Obama ma-ma-ma-makes me happy.
Right now about 1 in 6 Americans have disabilities country wide, and will grow because of the wars American soldiers are facing in the middle east. In 2006, statistics says that people with disabilities have a three times chance of living below the poverty line. Let's pretend I am a quadriplegic, which is to say I am dude that has no arms and no legs, what can I do about? The answer is probably nothing, but Barack Obama has a say to this; Obama as president would make the USA sign the U.N. conventory on the Rights of Persons with Disablilities. This would be the first human rights treaty signed by the U.N. in the 21st century and a basis to respect rights to people with disabilities worldwide. I also like how he has a four part plan system to this. According to this four part plan, he would provide Americans with diasbilities educational opportunity, end the discrimination, increase employment with people with disabilities, and support independent, community-based living for Americans with disablities. Simple ways for helping me is that Obama and Biden will make a new tax credit to help cheapen college. According to this, Obama's Disabilities Plan Fact Sheet, this Tax Credit will ensure $4,000 of college education is completely free for most Americans . This pretty smart in my opinion, for it helps mostly everyone else. I beilieve everyone deserves to be equal, and that no one should be discriminated against, that's why I think we need some change.
Why Would I vote for Barack Obama? It's the Economy, stupid. Barack Obama says he will provide $50 billion to jumpstart economy. This I think would probably keep many, many americans from losing their jobs in this economic crisis right now. During the last presidential debate, they had an ongoing talk about taxes. Mccain kept attacking Barack Obama on this issue how he would raise taxes to Americans. I guess, this is too put this statement into those people that have brains of a sheep. Barack Obama had to repeat himself that he would lower 95% of working class Americans taxes. Only people who earn a considerable amount like $250,000 would be taxed a bit more. Obama's Tax- cut, even shown in Ads is three times bigger than John Mccain's plan. I am coming from a middle class family, and I am starting to see that taxes are playinga big part in paying our houses. It's getting to the point where it gets me worried, that i might go through bankruptcy.
Third reason why I would vote for Obama is because of Mccain's foreign policy. I know, John Mccain is a great war prisoner, but that does not guarantee a great president. I mean, Queen Elizabeth during the Middle aged Europe had no experience in war but she is considered to be one of the greatest leaders ever. John Mccain is kind of like the next Bush, he even said so somewhere, how he agrees with Bush 90% of the time. Spending $10 billion a month on Iraq is riduculous when you consider are economy is in horrendous condition. I think we cannot stop terrorism, because it is just like drugs, it is pretty much everywhere. Obama and Biden proposes a new strategy to withdraw and redraw troops, and would be less careless in getting out than when they came in to the war in Iraq. Obama says he would talk to other world leaders about global issues, and it would not matter who he would have to sit with. I still remembered when I was in 8th grade U.S. History, I saw a black puny man on television with his whole face covering the screen objecting to the War in Iraq initiation. My awesome teacher, predicted if there was going to be a black president someday it may be him. Now I think it's amazing how time flies and Obama is providing plans for the war, that may help our econmy also.
1. Education. I am still kinda lost as to exactly what he wants to do because it is really hard to trust newspapers considering that they may give information that is altered to make one candidate look better than the other, but the one that I like about his education plan is the Teacher Service Scholarship program. The program grants scholarships to people who plan on becoming teachers in exchange for teaching in high-needed fields or location. I personally like this plan considering that Science and Math are the highly needed fields and those are the two things that I would teach if I become a teacher.
2. Abortion. I may not be a woman, but if I was, I would want the right to choose what to do with my own body. Considering that women have just recently gained some of the rights men have, why not the choice to abort a baby? Obama supports the Supreme Court's decision on Roe vs. Wade, I may not completely approve of killing a "human being", but I believe that it is not my place to a woman what she can or can't do to herself. Like I said, I would want the right to choose what to do with my own body, whether male or female, or both.
3. Immigration. Only because it is mainly targeted at my people and because Jason and Wilson will get a kick out of it. From what I understand, Obama wants to make it slightly easier to become a U.S. citizen and he is also allowing illegal immigrants who have not committed crimes to learn English and return home to Mexico and try to become citizens the right way. Honestly, I think the people who are already here would stay or are already on there way to becoming citizens or are ready to go back home, but having the opportunity to stay is great. In reality it doesn't matter. If Obama does promote economic growth in Mexico then the majority of problems with illegal immigrants will cease to exists, considering the fact that those illegal immigrants only come to the U.S. to gain money and then go back home to there families. The option to become a citizen is nice and all, but just promoting economic growth in Mexico, a lot of the problems should be solved.
Vote For Obama
If I could vote in the 2008 Presidential election, I would vote for Obama because…
1. Education – For early childhood education, Obama has created a “Zero to Five” plan, which will educate infants before they are ready to go to kindergarten. He will have grants for states to implement this plan and eventually create universal pre-school. He will also provide child care for working parents. For K-12 education, Obama will improve the No Child Left Behind plan by changing the way students are tested to see if they are on track. He will also decrease drop out rates, increase funding for after school programs, and support college outreach programs. Obama’s education plan also involves recruiting more teachers by giving out scholarships that will aid them during college. New teachers will be trained by pairing up with experienced teachers. Obama will also help with college tuition with the American Opportunity Tax Credit, which will try to make the first $4,000 of tuition free for most students. He will also simplify the financial aid process, which confuses many families because it is complicated and time-consuming. Since I will be attending college next year, this issue is very important for me, especially since tuition fees have increased dramatically over the past few years.
2. Healthcare – Obama plans to use the current healthcare system to create affordable, accessible health care for all Americans. If people like their current health care plan, they can keep it and their rates can go down by $2,500 per year. If people don’t have plans, they can choose from new, affordable options. Patients will consult with their doctors, not their insurance company, regarding health related decisions. All Americans will be able to get basic benefits at fair prices. Everyone will also receive a tax credit for their premiums. Medicine will be more affordable by using generic drugs and safe, imported drugs. Obama’s plan will also require insurance companies to cover services such as cancer screenings. This issue is important to me because I will eventually have to pay for my own insurance. When this happens, I hope it will be at a reasonable rate that I can afford.
3. Taxes – Obama’s tax plan will bring tax relief for middle-class families and small businesses. Ninety-five percent of workers and their families will receive tax cuts. Workers will get a $500 tax cut, and working couples will get $1,000. Senior citizens, uninsured people, and families with children in college will also receive much needed tax cuts. Obama’s plan will also simplify the process for filing taxes by allowing many middle class families to file their taxes in under five minutes. Although Obama’s plan will require the wealthiest 2% of families to give back some of their tax cuts, it will only be a small portion. Obama will help fund this tax cut by cutting unnecessary government spending. With the current economic crisis, taxes are a major worry for everyone, especially middle-class families. Next year, my family will be a middle-class family with a child in college, so we could really use the much needed tax cut that we will receive. I would also like to get a job soon, and I would like to keep most of my hard earned money, instead of giving it away in taxes.
who i would vote....
1. Health care: Obama understands that people are paying mucho money on health insurances today. His universal health care coverage lowers some of the money that people have to pay. I like his heath care plan because today some people dont have health insurance because of the high costs. Everyone is trying to find the most cheapest insurance plan for their families yet none of the cheap insurance plans seem to be a good plan. Obama says that he will create a health plan for childrens since it's mostly children's insurance thats hurting the families' finance. With Obama's plan, families can have good insurance plan with good quality of treatments. With his plan, families can all have insurances and they don't have to pay a lot whenever they go to the doctors. Everyone can have a good health and not worrying about the money issues. They don't have to skip a doctors appointment because of the costs. Families can start putting their heatlh before money problems.
2. Education: Right now, the education system seems pretty mess up. Schools don't have enough budgets to provide the best education for kids. Schools are cutting down extra curiculums because of tight budgets. And colleges cost a fortune these days. Many students are giving up on their dream schools to attend community colleges because of money issues. Obama knows all these problems. He promises to increase education budgets and increase teacher salaries. He also promises to provide more extra curriculums activities and after school programs to give more better opportunities to children these days. Obama also will set up better scholarship programs for high school students going to college. That way families don't have to pay a fortune of their hard working money all on college fees and books and etc. I am completely for his education plan since i will be going to a college next year.
3. Tax cuts: Americans are working that crazy people now a days to earn as money as they could. However, the high taxes are taking away their hard working money! Obama says that he will provide tax reliefs for Americans. Again, I am totally for the plan. He promises to cut tax so that way americans can have money in their paychecks to pay for whatever they like instead of paying it all to the governments and etc. I am a crazy working person myself, and i love his plan because i want to see more money in my paychecks instead giving it to the governments and stuff. My own hardworking money after paying for taxes only have some left for me to pay for my high price school lunches! I definitely wish to have extra money for me to spend on things that i want. With Obama's plan I believe I can have some money for myself. Obama's plan for tax cuts will settle a lot of tight budgets for families, especially middle class families. His plan can help middle class families to use the money to help paying for their children's college fees. Then still have some left to spend on whatever they like.
Those are the reasons why i would vote for Obama. Besides McCain is too old to be a president. Also i dont want a person thats like a robot and a mom that don't know anything besides hockey to be our president and vp.
2.IRAQ I think that the troops in Iraq have stayed there for too long. They should be able to come home to their families and allow Iraq to deal with it themselves. Obama believe that we must be as careful getting out of Iraq as we were careless going in. They will also attempt to reach a comprehensive compact on the stability of Iraq and its neighbors. He will provide at least $2 billion for Iraq's humarnitarian crisis. Barack also opposed the sending of troops to Iraq in the first place. This tells us he's on the opposite side of Bush and that is probably the best play we want to be right now. By removing troops, he can save lives that are lost for a lost cause. Also, money can be saved or diverted to a more effective way to help Iraq or our own country. Only so many troops can die until people start doubting Bush.
3.POVERTY I think that poverty is getting out of hand and things should be done to help people with it. It is pretty depressing seeing all these people on the sides of streets, begging for money or having dead looks in their eyes. Obama wants to help by expanding access to jobs. He wants to invest $1 billion over five years for methods for helping low-income Americans. He will also ensure that low-income Americans will have transportation access to jobs. This can help a lot seeing that the gas prices cost so much right now. Even if a person can find a job, paying for gas can take out a good portion of their salary. Also, the minimum wage increase sounds good. This can help the gas problem because $9.50 and hour can help a lot.
I would vote for Obama.
2. Preserving the Earth: I strong care about the Earth and the nature of it. I believe if that we keep going on as we are today, the Earth will slowly crumble and be destroyed. The Earth should be preserved and be taken care of because it will be the home of millions and billions of other human beings to come. Obama has sponsored and advocated for a legislation to end global warming. Global warming is a big problem in the world today. Global warming is destroying the Earth and Obama agrees. Obama also has contributed to the idea of having better cars for the environment. He is going to change the fuel aspect of the car and it can greatly impact the world. Without that awful smoke caused from the cars, there would be less pollution in the world making it a better place. Obama has some great ideas for changing the environment and world into a better place.
3. Education: Education is a very important thing in the world and everyone should have an equal opportunity to have it. Everyone in the country needs to have a good education in order to succeed in today's high demanding economy. Education is an important thing to me because it is the basis of life. Without an education, there is less job opportunities one can have and worse can be looked down upon. Obama has an education program that will make it more affordable and encourage young people to get a higher education. He will enable and make it possible to obtain the education they deserve. He will make it possible for underprivileged young people to go to college and be successful in today's world. I agree greatly with him because education is very important to me and to the rest of the world. Obama's plan for education will help millions of people get higher paying jobs. They will have a chance to do something different in their lives instead of turning to bad habits.
OBAMA for life
Another reason why i would vote for Obama is because he has a really good plan to help the economy. Right now the economy is down because banks have been giving loans to lower class families who can not pay back the loans. As a result, banks started to close which make home prices lower than the actual value that it is worth. Also, investors invested in the loans that the lower class is getting, which hurt the economy more. Obama is coming up with a plan to make banks provide affordable short-term and small-dollar loans. He is also planning on giving families that filed bankruptcy because of medical issues money back so that they can get back on their feet. Another thing that i think helps me out, when i start working, is Obama's plan to raise minimum wage. He will raise it to a price that will be able to help a family live on basic needs according to how the economy is. That will help many families that have low-paying jobs and are living life from paycheck to paycheck. He is supporting small businesses to rise so that they can create new jobs for people.
Technology is rising and people need to be able to connect with it and be able to use it. Americans have a risk of being left behind in the new generation which would effect how businesses will be run and how students will be taught. Obama wants to keep the internet completely open because it is a great source to connect the people with what is going on with the government and other issues. Obama also wants to censor what children are able to see while still abiding to the first amendment. He will use to internet to help Americans as well as inform. If personal privacy is invaded, Obama is making it the business's problem and therefore to fix it. Obama's main purpose for making Americans aware of the advantages of the internet is to further their involvement in the 21st century. I totally believe that anyone who is not knowledgeable about technology is losing their chances of connecting with their fellow Americans. New technology involving science and math will also be elevated. Obama wants more schools/degrees to focus on math and science so that the students will be able to make new innovations to better the 21st century. And just by having the internet and other technologies such a success, more job opportunities are opened which will help everyone.
I'm sure McCain has many plans to help America, but i feel that Obama has more of a connection with my generation and future generations, which will help him in the long run if not in the present day.
yay for obama!
2. Health care- Another reason I would vote for Obama is because of his aim for universal coverage on health care. Health care has been an ever-worsening crisis in the United States. He would create a national health insurance program and allow Americans to choose between new public insurance programs and private insurance plans. He intends to have mandatory coverage for children but not for adults. I think this is beneficial to people who have kids because medical health care costs a lot for families with children. Obama would also require hospitals and providers to publicly report health care costs and quality. This will insure that people get the best health care possible. Although Obama would raise taxes on wealthier families to pay the cost, I believe that wealthy families can use their wealth to assist and aid people that are not as fortunate. Obama’s plan would also make sure that every American is provided health care and taken care of. He will make affordable, quality health care a top priority.
3.Go Green!- A third reason I would vote for Obama is because he will support tougher fuel efficiency standards to reduce greenhouse gas. This will help reduce global warming. He will give consumers a $7000 tax credit for buying fuel-efficient cars. He supports advanced technology and research into new engines and plug-in hybrids. He will have a $150 billion program to produce climate friendly energy supplies. He also says he will put 1 million 150-mpg hybrid cars on U.S. roads within 6 years. By 2050, he will reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 80% of 1990 levels. People will be encouraged to buy hybrids and there will be less gas emissions. More people driving fuel efficient cars will help slow global warming and save our world.
If I were able to vote this year in the presidential election, I would vote for Obama because:
1. Education Obama knows that the No Child Left Behind Act did not stick with their promise. He has good reforms to reverse this. Obama has a K-12 plan (Kindergarten to twelfth grade). Obama plans to support and provide more after school opportunities for students. He plans to support and reward new teachers. Obama also has a plan to help toddler’s education called the Zero to Five Plan. This plan will improve educational opportunities for toddlers from age zero to age five. College prices have risen dramatically over the past years. Obama will create “American Opportunity Tax Credit”, which will cover part of a student’s tuition. We are just finishing high school and moving on to college, therefore this is an important issue for us.
2. Iraq The war in Iraq has been going on for way too long. Many innocent lives are lost because of it. Obama plans to slowly withdraw our troops from Iraq. I think this is the best plan to save lives. McCain, on the other hand, will not withdraw from Iraq until we win. He plans to surge forward to finish the war. I think this will not be successful because Iraq has no signs of surrendering. The only result of a surge would be lost of more lives. McCain has agreed with 90% of what Bush said about the war. We do not want another president with those some policies. Obama’s withdrawal plan will bring many soldiers back home.
3. Palin If McCain won the election, Sarah Palin would become the Vice President. Then if something were to happen to McCain, Palin would become President. I don’t think Palin has any quality required for such a role. Palin is not too well educated, and she is inexperienced. Her highest status is a governor, which is clearly beaten by Biden’s status of Secretary. I do not want Palin to represent the entire United States of America. There are a lot of people that McCain could have choose as his running mate, that would better for this country. However, one of the reasons he selected Palin instead is the fact that she is a female. I don’t think that is any legitimate reason to vote for McCain. Obama and Biden are clearly more educated and ready to become the President and Vice President of the United States.
Obama for your mama!
1. Education! Obama's "Blueprint for Change" includes change for Education. Obama and Biden want to reform the No Child Left Behind act. They do not believe that teachers should spend the year preparing students for a standardized test. Obama and Biden also promise a "Zero to Five Plan" which, hopefully, will put more kids into Pre-School for less, if not, with no cost at all. I think this would be a great way to jump-start a child's education, since not all children have the priviledge to go to Pre-School. Obama also thinks of the parents' and has also devised a plan to help find daycare for the children while the parents are gone. But what about college students? Well, Obama has a plan for that too! He plans to make it easier for students to apply for financial aid. It is said that college costs have grown 40% in the past five years, and that an average graduate leaving college owes nineteen thousand dollars in debt. On top of that, in the time period between 2001 and 2010, 2 million academically qualified students will not be able to attend college simply because they won't be able to afford it. Crazy? Yes, I know.
2. Healthcare - Obama and Biden both believe that every American should be able to afford healthcare. For those who already have insurance and are fine with it, nothing changes, except for the fact that their costs will go down by approximately $2500 a year. (Whoopee!) For the more unfortunate ones who cannot afford health insurance for themselves and their families, Obama and Biden will provide new and affordable health insurance options. Not only will health insurance cover families, but it will also cover small businesses, so small business owners can provide healthcare benefits for their employees. Obama plans to reduce the costs of healthcare by requiring hospitals to collect and report health care cost and quality data. He also plans to lower drug costs by increasing the use of generic drugs in public programs and removing drug companies that block cheaper generic medicines from the market. For people and small busiesses, Obama and Biden will require insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditoins so all Americans, regardless of their health status or history, can get comprehensive benefits at fair and stable premiums. Obama also plans to create a new Small Business Health Tax credit to help small businesses provide affordable health insurance to their employees. To make this all happen, Barack Obama plans to pay for this health care plan with Bush's tax cuts. I think Obama's plan for healthcare will benefit many Americans in the future.
3. Energy & The Environment - Everyone who drives nowadays knows how expensive gas is getting. Paying for gas is actually burning holes through our pockets. With Obama's help, all that money spent at the gas pump might be going elsewhere. Barack Obama and Joe Biden promise to provide short-term relief at the gas pump. They also plan to put 1 million Plug-In Hybrid cars (Cars that get up to 150 miles/gallon) on the road by 2015. Barack Obama also plans to create five million new jobs by investing $150 billion over the next decade, and also save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela. They plan to create millions of new Green Jobs by ensuring that ten percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012 and 25 percent by 2025. Also, Obama and Biden want to deploy the cheapest, cleanest, fastest energy source and weatherize one million homes annually. The whole deal with Global Warming is causing quite a deal in the world today, along with the record high gas prices us Americans are facing. I believe that Barack Obama and Joe Biden know what they are doing, so I trust them with my future!
The End!
Yes We Can!
2. Family. With the way that our economy is today so many family's have spent full days at work and full over time to get home to and find out that there is no food. Moms and dads try so hard to put there kids though collage but sometimes things just don't go as planed. Obama and Biden believe that people work to hard to be let down because there work is only paying them minimum wage. Well they would like to raise minimum wage to 9.50 and hour by 2011 so that family's can stay afloat when things get tough. They also know that sick days do come and the think that 7 paid sick work days is necessary. working hours are key to someone who is jugling school, work and a family so Obama and biden feel that flexibie working hours could help a lot of people. Family is all we have and something no one wants to lose.
3. Taxes. Today taxes are everyones problem. Everywhere you go you will hear someone talking about there taxes and how much they could of or would have had on there pay chaeck. well obama has a goal to lower everyones taxes a substantial amount. A middle class family will recave a 1,000$ tax relief with the help of obama. accourding to the charts Barack Obamas tax relief plan is three times lower then the McCain plan. Obama even goes as far to give the poeple back money. He feels that that Tax has gotten so bad since the 90s that he would reccomend that 2%o of the tax money would be paid back due to such high taxes. all these things that I have talked about are the things that we all need to look at for the furter of not just us but when we grow up because McCain has only been seeing what is right in front of him but Barack Obama sees where the U.S is heeding toweard and wants to help.
I would Vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden
Joe The Plumber For President!
Obama wants to reform the ideas behind no Child Left Behind and actualy make it work. I agree that the school system needs both funding and reform. I like the thought of getting better teachers into the school system and giving them higher pay. And the concept of removing teachers who do a poor job is a really good idea. I've had a couple of really bad teachers and if i had the chocice to relocate them, I sure would. Obama also wants to make college really affordable and I like that. As a senior who is learning just how expensive college is, anything that would make it cheaper is fine by me.
Taxation right now is really important because of the state of our economy. I feel that taxes cannot be raised any more than they alrady are, due to the fact that the average american is already in financial trouble. McCain wants to implement taxt breaks, but for the wrong people. I just don't feel that his plan is the plan that will work. I realize that I'm no expert on taxes, and that I don't fully understand the entire concept. However, even with the minimal knowledge that I was able to retain on the subject, I can see that Obama has a better plan of action.
I am an advocate of pro-choice. In my opinions the decision of whether or not to get an abortion is up to the woman. Obama's stance on abortion is concurrent with my own. I'm not a believer of late term abortions and neither is he. That is really the only case where I do not think its right to have an abortion. Other than that, it is not up to the government to say when a woman can and cannot have an abortion. And the stuff that Sarah Palin has been spewing? Uh, no. What if the child is a product of incestous rape? Is Palin going to just counsel the woman? It just doesn't seem right. There are so many scenarios, so many variables, that need to be taken into account. You cannot just say no.
And that is why I would vote for Obama, and not McCain, who looks like his whole body is covered in gross, elbow skin. And his "Pit Bull Hockey Mom" who absolutely terrifies me with her lack of intelligence.
If I can vote in this election...

I would vote for Barack Obama!!! :D
Obama's educational policies will help parents get the best education possible for their children. His "Zero to Five" plan will provide early care and education for infants, so that the children are ready to enter kindergarten. This plan can help states move toward voluntary, universal pre-school. To ease the burden on working families, Obama will create an affordable, high-quality child care. He will also create a voluntary national performance assessment, so that the teachers are all trained and ready to walk into class with an effective plan. This will affects me because I can get a better education if the teacher is prepared and ready to teach. He will decrease the dropout rate, support college outreach programs, and fund more programs for after school. Obama will promote a new and innovative way to reward the teachers with increase in pay. The most important thing right now is for me to get a higher education. Obama and Biden will make college more affordable by introducing a new American Opportunity Tax Credit. This plan will ensure the first $4,oo of college education to be free. It will also cover 2/3 the cost of tuition for public colleges or universities. Both of there are possible with only a requirement of 100 hours of community service.
I like Obama's Health care policies because it will decrease the cost of insurance of the same quality of treatment. Often, people would not get health insurance because of the cost, but Obama's plan could support the people. It is important to put your health before the cost because it is not safe. Government-run health care with higher taxes or letting the insurance companies operate without rules are two extremes offered for health care reform. To go against theses extremes, Obama is proposing a plan that can strengthen employer coverage, make insurance companies accountable, and letting the patient have their choice of a doctor. Another plus to this policy is that the cost of the current health insurance can go down by as much as $2,500 per year. This will make the people content because they can go to the doctor for more check-ups and not worry about the costs. This new health care system will be more affordable and accessible for Americans.
Another reason i would choose Barack Obama is because of his respect and care for women's rights. He understands that abortion is controversial issue and respect opposing decisions, but he wants to ban late term abortion. I think that it is a women's decision to keep the baby or not, unless it can hurt the mother. It depends on if the girl is ready to become a mother or not. I do not think anyone else has the right to this decision because it's not their baby. Obama will make preserving women rights under Roe v. Wade as a priority of the president. He will also try to prevent unintended pregnancy for women. The plan of Prevention First Act will increase funding for the family planning. It will also fund for comprehensive sex education, which will be teaching abstinence and safe sex methods.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I completely disagree with John McCain’s education policy. He believes that part of the problem stems from the inability of parents to choose which school they want their children enrolled in. If schools were adequately funded, then students would have the necessary supplies and quality teachers to help them achieve. Students wouldn’t have to transfer schools because every school would be equal, but schools aren’t equal. McCain needs to focus on the main problem. McCain also emphasizes the picture that No Child Left Behind has painted, but he does not admit that its promises are still unfulfilled. Obama addresses this problem and promises to fund the law. Obama also promises to simplify the application process for financial aid and increase funding for community colleges. More money will be invested in early education and improvement of childcare. I would vote for Obama because he understands the current problems in education and seems more likely to reform education.
I would vote for Obama because of his homeland security plan. He will prepare effective emergency response plans to handle disasters such as Katrina. He promises to support first responders in order to give them the necessary tools. He would also improve the communications system so that first responders are alerted when disasters strike. Chemical plants, located near cities, are susceptible to terrorist attacks. Obama plans to upgrade security on these plants. Public transportations, ports and airlines would also be more protected. He plans to improve border security and supports a new immigration policy. Obama promises to restore habeas corpus. This will allow everyone to a fair trial and without wrongfully denying anyone of their liberties.
Once you go black you cant go back
Obama's proposed tax cuts are a wonderful idea. Focusing on the middle class, these tax cuts will alleviate the pile of sh** of an economy that we are in right now. although Bush similarly agreed to cut taxes, and hten raised them, i have a feeling that obama will follow through wiht his words. This would also help the working seniors, whom are increasing in number. about seven million seniors will ahve no more income taxes to plague them. since our nation is becoming more productive, taxes must be cut to follow in suit. Power will come back to the working middle class. Bush, helped the rich aristocrats of society, when the poor were in need of assitance.
TO be honest, i disagree with the war in general. however, i do not like MCCain's policies on the war, and so i side wiht obama. BIllions upon billions of dollars are being wasted on the war. what could be used for maintaining our infrastructure, expanding our nation, and helping improve it, we are wasting on a war that bastardchild Bush started. McCain just wants to continue fighting. he persistently insists on our success in the war, and does not believe that this war is a problem. obama, on the other hand, wants to pull out and tehrefore, i agree on this. although he also proposes yet a plan of attack, it is much better than McCain's.
Finally, i would vote for Obama for the sake of not letting palin have a shot at the presidency. I am not kidding, this is a VERY VEYR VERY serious issue. McCain is a dinosaur from 4000 years ago (hahah i kid the palin) and if he dies, that loser from alaska will be our president. if that happens, America will crumble, china will send farmers to trample america to a pulp, and oceans will evaporate. surely, if Sarah Palin become president, our whole nation will fall and 200 years of hard work will be put to waste. that alone should be enough reason to vote for Obama. His healthcare plan is also nice, but i doubt it will make situations in america any better. i mean, we DO have the crappiest health care system in all of the world.
and so this is why i would vote for Obama. GO OBAMA!
I would vote for Obama
1. My first reason deals with taxes. Throughout the debates, Obama seems to be very confident about bringing about change. He plans on giving tax cuts for working families. This will provide 150 million workers the tax relief they need. He also plans on eliminating income taxes for seniors making less than $50,000 per year. This proposal will eliminate income taxes for 7 million seniors and provide these seniors with an average savings of $1,400 each year. Under the Obama-Biden plan, 27 million American seniors will also not need to file an income tax return. Obama also plans to simplify tax filings. If he succeeds then millions of Americans will be able to do their taxes in less than five minutes. Lower taxes results in more happy Americans.
2. My second reason deals with the war. I personally do not support the war. Billions of dollars is being wasted by this war. Obama opposed this war from the beginning. If Obama becomes president then there is a chance that the war may end. This will also lead to the withdrawal of U.S. troops. After that the U.S. government can focus on the economic crisis we are having. However, if McCain is elected, there is a chance that the war will not end in the near future. More U.S. troops will be lost and more families will be sad. Economic problems will continue and more people will become angry.
3. My third reason deals with healthcare. Maintaining one's health is crucial to keeping up with his/her work. With this in mind, I plan on voting for the candidate that will benefit me the most in healthcare. The Obama-Biden plan provides affordable, accessible health care for all Americans. It is built on the existing health care system, and uses existing providers, doctors and plans to carry out the plan. Under this plan, patients will be able to make health care decisions with their doctors, instead of being blocked by insurance company bureaucrats. This modification in health care will allow all Americans to have comprehensive benefits despite one's health status or history. Drug costs will be lowered by allowing the importation of safe medicines from other developed countries. Furthermore, drug prices will be lowered by increasing the use of generic drugs in public programs and taking on drug companies that block cheaper generic medicines from the market. I will soon be on my own in the world and I want to be able to afford medicine in case I get sick.
Friday, October 17, 2008
If allowed, I would vote for…
1. Economic Issue
Form beginning to now on, Obama insisted his “change” slogan. He said our country needs to change. The Wall Street crisis already threaten the global economic and probably go into the recession, or we are already in the recession. Right now, we need a President who can really deal with the economic crisis. Unlike McCain, Obama runs for president the first reason is about the economic. All his economic issues and policies are very detailed and accessible. Every time I heard his debate I can always hear how his policy is and how is work. I like his tax policy about people home income lower than $250,000 will have tax cut, which means his policy will cut 95% of family income tax. According to McCain’s economic issue, it is almost as same as Bush’s policy. Both of them are going to cut the top class’s tax and expect the rich ones can refund some money to the middle class and lower class. That is not really helping the middle class and lower income people. Also, McCain spend too much time to attack Obama at earlier during the presidential election. That is really not helping his presidency because people are concern the economic first.
2. War Issue
Because I totally against all wars. McCain’s war policy, It is one of the reason that I can never ever support him. We already spent trillion dollars in war of Iraq. We are facing the economic crisis that we never met before. How can a country have more money to deal both the war and economic crisis? I do not think Federal Government has more money enough to deal with this situation. Obama opposed war of Iraq since he was a senator. The McCain—Plain campaign still insisted that they will bring victory back from Iraq. I really do not see any victory in war of Iraq. The only thing I see is trillions of dollars spent into Iraq and thousands of lives died during the war. American people already tired of seven years of war of Iraq. The first thing and the most important we need to face today is not the war, it is the economic crisis.
3. Diplomacy
The McCain-Plain campaign still attacks Obama is inexperienced and not qualify for the President yet. He argues that Obama has 0 experiences in diplomacy. However, the Obama campaign still has Joe Biden. There is no doubt that Joe Biden has experienced diplomacy. If we look at McCain’s campaign, who is super experienced in diplomacy? McCain is experience in diplomacy? He probably experienced how to fight in a battle, but diplomacy? I think his attitude will be strong and hard. Sarah Plain? She is not even got her visa two years before. Also, if people critics Obama is inexperienced, how about Sarah Plain? She only been two-year of Alaska governor and use her governor to fire somebody else. How can we trust such vice presidential candidate that she will fire somebody else she do not like it in white house. Whatever he/she has nothing to do wrong but just oppose her opinion.
Therefore, I will support Obama if I was allowed to vote and support all his policy and economic issues. Obama rocks.
where I stand
Obama also has the thought of pulling soulders out of Iraq and voted for not giving founds. McCaine voted the same way but wanted to leave the soulders there to finsh the war. What the hell is he thinking. besides mcCaine proubly won't be abl to finsh his term anyways.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
If allowed, I would vote for...
- EDUCATION - Barack Obama plans to reform the American education system in order to help give more students the chance to learn. He hopes to create a "Zero to Five" plan to emphasize the importance of pre-kindergarten education, make pre-school available to more families and create more child care services to help the busy families. For elementary, middle and high school students, Obama wants to improve the school standards and assessments, so that students are not only preparing all year to do well on standardized tests. Also, he hopes to lower the dropout rates, double funding for afterschool programs, support outreach programs in order to help low-income students pursue their dreams and increase the amount of students going to college. Teachers will be trained better in order to provide students with better education, and their salaries will be increased. For college students, Obama wants to make the higher education more affordable by creating a new American Opportunity Tax Credit. The complicated financial aid applications will be simplified. Obviously, education is one of the most important topics for me to consider when choosing who to vote for. As a student, I have experienced the problems that our public schools have encountered, and I know what improvements can be made. Since my brother is still in middle school, the changes made by the new president will affect him, and I want him to have the best education possible. Knowing the cost of college, I also hope that Obama's ideas will make the tuition fees more affordable for my family because for the next four years that the new president is in office, I will also still be in college. Even now, I already know that the cost of college will be IMMENSE.
- HEALTH CARE - As president, Obama will attempt to provide affordable and accessible health care for all Americans, freeing the costs by as much as $2,500 per year. It will also give patients more freedom to make their own decisions instead of being limited to only doing certain procedures that are covered by their insurance companies. This reform in health care will allow all Americans to receive comprehensive benefits regardless of health status or history. Drug costs will be lowered by importing safe medicines from other countries and using safe generic drugs when possible. Coverage of certain services will be required of the insurance, including cancer screenings and increase local and state preparedness for any disasters that may come. At the moment, more than 19 million women are uninsured in the U.S.A., and since women are more likely than men to not have medical care because of its high costs, Obama will attempt to give all Americans, regardless of sex, gender, ethnicity, etc, health coverage within the next four years. Health is always an important topic for me to also consider because I, myself, do not know how my health will be within the next four years. I hope to be just as healthy, but health care and insurance is still an important topic to consider. From a young age, I have always known that, because health care and insurance are very expensive, any people not being able to afford it. However, by Obama's plans, perhaps the costs will be reduced. This is important for me because once I am no longer a minor, I know that I will also have to start considering paying for insurance and medical bills. If the prices are really high, I know that I will have a hard time paying for such things even though they are necessities.
- TAX RELIEF - Through Obama's tax plans, taxes will be cut for 95% of workers and their families. Middle class families will get tax cuts, and tax increases will not occur for those earning less than $250,000 per year. It will also cut the taxes for those low-and middle-income homeowners, uninsured Americans and families sending a child to college. Tax credits will be provided in order to also help reduce costs of health care. Simplification of taxes will occur, and allow middle-class Americans to do their own taxes in less than five minutes without hiring an accountant. As fiscal responsibility, the wealthiest 2% of Americans will just need to give back a SMALL portion. I feel that those who do have more than enough money should help out others who are in need. I mean, even though my family is middle-class without any extra money to just give away, whenever we get the chance, we still try to give a minimal amount because we know there are others who are in a worse situation. Taxes are a huge part of American lives, and I have yet to do my own taxes. However, it is important to me because I have seen my parents continuously struggle, stress and worry about the tremendous amounts of taxes we have to pay for EVERYTHING. Also, since I have worked part-time over the past year, I have seen what a GREAT difference tax cuts make from paychecks. Even when I feel that I worked hard and earned a lot, sometimes the money that I actually receive for my work is quite a lot less, which I do not think is fair! Perhaps Obama's plans will help allow Americans to keep more of the money they earn, insead of having it all go to (sometimes unnecessary) government spending.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
The Murder of Mrs. Palin

vp debizzate
VP Debate
VP Debate
president debate
Mccain wants people to have tax cuts, want every family have 5000 tax refund of tax credit. (healthy credit)
Obama said 95% people will get tax cut! Providing 5000 healthy cradit not good for American people.
We should focus on that make sure tax payer got money back from the 700 million.
I think that is not easy to get tax cut and tax refund at the same time, we should do that step by step.