Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Today all of our group members looked up various cases of cannibalism. we also looked up the various formats that senate and house bills are written in. We generally achieveed our basis of argument and the pros and cons of cannibalism.


Jennifer looked up what the USA Patriot Act is, and when and why it came into effect. Tanya looked up previous bills that proposed to ban the USA Patriot Act. Emu looked up the effects that the USA Patriot Act has had on people.

Team Xi Owns All,

We researched the law about why drinking was 21 years of age originally and debated about how at 18 you can sell alcohol but you can't drink it.


Since we do not know yet the format of how the bill should look, we are plainly researching fur use. We are looking at all perspectives of how fur is being used in clothing products and also situations, when people are against the ban of fur. We are recording facts as of now.

We are for prohibiting Fur use.

ormigon. origami. idk?


THE ORIGAMI GROUP researched the pros and cons of cloning. We also researched "How To Write a Bill" We learned that a pro of cloning includes cloning new organs for those who need it. Because there are thousands of patients put on the waiting list for a new heart or liver, cloning such organs could help reduce the rate of death from waiting for a replacement. However, on the downside of cloning, an example of a con would be abusing the power of cloning. Cloning is also very expensive, therefore many people do not support cloning. Arnold and Suneet are researching how to write a bill so we don't look/sound stupid when we present our beautiful bill. :)


Rho row row your boat!

Today, Carnero looked up the current law regarding age rewuirement to purchse the morning after pill at local stores. Naomi looked up the current ingredients of the morning after pills, and its side effects. Alyssa researched the pro's of reducing the age requirement to 16, and I, SALLY LE, the greatest ever, looked up the con's the reducing the age requirement. Jessica is researching the components of a bill, and its necessities.

JP smells like PEEPEE!


we researched where the law came from, how far the law reaches, how it is enforce, what the consequences are for breaking the law, and some statistics, AND how safe the law really is for minors =) OH we're doing curfew if you didnt already know

Proof Lambda Actually Did Work.

The argument that our bill calls for age discrimination can be used against us. So in order to be prepared for that, we have researched the topic. (On the flip side, it could be argued that the laws on having a minimum driving age are also forms of age discrimination.)

Supreme Court Case On Age Discrimination:

What is Age Discrimination:

Car accidents Statistics:

DMV Laws for Seniors :

DMV does not have different licensing standards for senior drivers. It is an individual’s mental and/or physical condition or his/her inability to follow traffic laws and rules, regardless of age, that determines whether DMV renews, restricts, suspends, or revokes a driving privilege.

Monday, November 24, 2008

PI !!

we would like to write a bill to lower curfew age to 16 and change the time from 10 pm to 12 am. THANK YOU!!

team kappa

prohibit fur use in clothing

Bill Project

Group Mu wants to ban the Patriot Act.

team xi wants lowering drinking age to 18

team omicron wants human cloning! >8D

Team nu bizaatchez'! Cannibalism ftw!!!!!!

Legalizing consentual cannibalism

Tuesday, November 18, 2008