Saturday, September 27, 2008

200 words- article reviews

I read the article on CNN titled “McCain and Obama fight for title of ‘most qualified.’” The article mostly talks about the debate on the U.S. economy, foreign policy, and national security. Obama seems to be more concerned about the economy than McCain. It also seems that Obama has more knowledge on how to solve economic problems. Obama can connect with the middle-class people more in that he relates to them through speaking about the economy. On the contrary, McCain seems to have more intelligence and understanding in foreign matters such as the war in Iraq. He appears to be more experienced in foreign policy issues. The second article I read is titled “Analysis: A few jabs, but no knockout in first debate.” As Obama and McCain discussed about the economy, Obama seemed more comfortable on this topic than McCain. Polling shows that people are more confident in Obama when it comes to the economy. However, Republicans believe that people will vote for a commander in chief with experience. The article reported that "McCain tried to make Obama look inexperienced and unable to hit the ground running on day one if elected president. In turn, Obama sought to link McCain to the Bush administration. "

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