Sunday, September 28, 2008


The debate was supposed to be about foreign policy, a strong point for McCain, but it was geared more towards the economy, a topic in which Obama shows more strength. However, this wasn’t a runaway for either candidate. McCain was quite weak answering questions about the economy compared to foreign policy, and Obama forgot major points against McCain. McCain frequently suggested Obama’s inexperience, such as “Senator Obama doesn’t seem to understand…” Neither candidate revealed much about the bailout plan, but they both seemed supportive of it.

After watching part of the debate on television and listening on the radio, I noticed that McCain, an overwhelming majority of the time, starts off his argument with “Like.” He definitely does not have the speaking ability that Obama has. However, McCain often mentioned his experience working in the government and alleging that Obama did not know many things, including the difference between a tactic and strategy. McCain also smirked a lot of the time during Obama’s answer. I did not like any of the candidates in this debate. Neither one really convinced me that he would be able to get us out of this economic turmoil.,0,7810376.story

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