Sunday, September 28, 2008

Obama Vs. McCain

According to CNN's "Dissecting the debate", There was a poll on who won the debate. 51% of the poll voters say Obama took the win, and 38% say that McCain took the win. But neither of them both defended their party as well as they could be. McCain talking about how "Obama is not experienced", Obama talking about how "McCain forgot about the middle class". I felt that neither candidate was clear in their answers to the questions asked. On the first question, referring to the bail-out plan; neither senator answered the question. All they had to say was, "Yes, I will support it, no, there is nothing I will change," or visa versa.

The 2nd Article I read was on CBSNEWS, "Forty-six percent of uncommitted voters said their opinion of Obama got better tonight. Thirty-two percent said their opinion of McCain got better." Also, "Sixty-six percent of uncommitted voters think Obama would make the right decisions about the economy. Forty-two percent think McCain would. Forty-eight percent of these voters think Obama would make the right decisions about Iraq. Fifty-six percent think McCain would." People are still very undecided on who to vote for, There will still be 2 more debates, hopefully this will make peoples idea on who to vote for more clear.

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