Monday, September 29, 2008

What Debate?

After 1 hour, 36 minutes and 43 seconds of nothing but the Obama/McCain Debate, I can honestly ask: What debate? The entire thing felt like more of an interview; a long and tedious interview. Neither candidate tore at each others throats, and I don't know about the rest of you but I was hoping for bloodshed. Sure some punches were thrown, but nothing exciting. Perhaps both Obama and McCain are saving themselves for the next debate. In my opinion this so called debate was not the "deal breaker" people had been expecting, because by the end of the night no one switched sides and the people straddling the fence stayed there.
The first half of the debate was dedicated to the topic of the economy where each stated their beliefs. McCain wants to limit the spending in Washington, D.C and stick to the fundamentals. Where as Obama wants to take more action and rather than just limiting the spending he wants to directly help those on "Main St." who were struggling far before the economic crisis began. The next half of the debate was full of talk on the happenings in Irag and what should be done. For the most part McCain went on and on about Obama's lack of experience and how he "just doesn't understand". After reading a couple of articles it is easy to see that the clear winner of this debate was Obama; although one article adamantly stated that there was no winner at all. During the time spent on the topic of Iraq McCain would often be left to simply reiterate what he had just said; only using different words. He appeared to be stumped by some of the statements made by Obama and had nothing to say in return. Hopefully McCain will be better prepared to face off with Obama by the time the next debate rolls around.

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