Tuesday, September 30, 2008

200 Words on the Debate

Views from McCain:

McCain had covered certain subjects such as: taxes and gas prices. Some people say McCain came across FOR the people's economy. Obama has talked big but had no factual evidence to support his efforts. He was said to keep our economy in depression and would add to the tax increases on small businesses. Their would be a 15 percent business deficit. We could end up in a depression. Supporters for McCain say Obama never clearly states what changes he wants to make for us and to make matters worse he never backs it up. He gives off the impression that he is more intelligent than others to explain it to them. The people who support McCain believe he is hiding facts from the people, by not sharing his plan for a better economy. He hasn't committed to any changes verbally but has stated he wrote things on the Internet. Though Obama is smooth in his debates, he doesn't address the people’s needs. Supporters also say Obama is wealthy but he avoids the question why he has so much money, people feel like McCain can relate to the people more, and has 30 years of experience. Experience had a major part to do with the 50 - 50 votes. (211)

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