Sunday, September 28, 2008

First Presidential Debate

According to CBS news, Obama was the clear winner of last night’s presidential debate. He left Mississippi University last night feeling good, “not because of what he did as much as because what he thinks McCain did not do” (Gavrilovic).
“The truth is, through ninety minutes of debating, John McCain had a lot to say about me, but he had nothing to say about you. He didn’t even say the words 'middle class,'” Obama said at a rally.
Meanwhile, Senator John McCain, who did not fail to appear at the debate last night, drew from his experience overseas as he tried to portray himself as the more qualified candidate. McCain also accused Senator Obama of not, “[understanding] the difference between tactic and strategy” (CNN). Obama later added, “Bush has dug us into a deep hole. John McCain was carrying the shovel. It’s gonna take time to dig ourselves out.” McCain seemed to know more about the topic of foreign affairs, but Obama was prepared for topics concerning the middle class, such as taxes.
Joe Biden, who introduced Obama at the event, said his running mate won the debate hands down. “They didn't just see a winner last night, they saw the next commander in chief,” Biden said.

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