Saturday, September 27, 2008

Presidential Debate

To begin with, I was pleasantly surprised that McCain showed up. I suppose he realized that he really couldn't do much about the economic situation by skipping the debate. Or he heard the rumors that he was unprepared to face Obama.

I am forced to wonder if McCain has ever read a US history book. In the early 1930s, before Roosevelt came to office with his New Deal policies, our country's leaders tried to let the financial problems sort themselves out. "The economy will fix itself" was their opinion, and "The fundamentals are strong" is McCain's. No-government-intervention failed in history, it will more than likely fail again. I am of the opinion that authoritarianism is the best type of government to handle crises, if there is an able leader. Obviously, the US is not an authoritarian government and will never be as long as the Constitution holds, but the federal government must interfere with our free market system until the problem is fixed.

Both sides had incorrect facts. Obama said that under his policy, 95% of families would recieve tax cuts, when the true number is 80-something% (which is still a goodly amount).

As for foreign policy, I agree with Obama that the Iraq war is unnecesary at the moment. We should focus our efforts at the real problem, Al Quaida(sp?) and Afghanistan, and the Iranian terrorists, rather than Iraq. If I had my way, we wouldn't have declared any war at all. McCain accused Obama of being extremely leftist, but all these years of rightist rule have shown some liberalism is needed.

As a last note, I loved how Obama kept stating "When I am President" as though the election results were already in.

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