Monday, September 29, 2008


First thing's first. That was not really a debate. It was more like an interview between three people. Two of whom don't like each other. Nevertheless, I find that dubbing a winner after this debate to be near impossible. Let alone personal bias, both sides had fairly good points.
The first segment, being about the economy, the candidates went at each others' shins. Both candidates agreed that we were in a crappy state of economy right now, and the entire "debate" (I refuse to acknowledge it as a true debate) was just old facts being reiterated. McCain, however made a blunder in accepting the $700 million wallstreet bailout in addition to freeze spending, which would halt government spendings in infrastructure, education, and other needed programs in order to pay for the bailout. He also proposed the implementation of nuclear power in America. Saying that it will cut our power dependency and create jobs for 700,000 people over the next... TWENTY YEARS? I'm sorry, but we can't wait twenty years.
The next segment that was "debated" upon was the war. McCain criticized Obama for not supporting the surge, only to be countered by Obama's scalding remark, that the war did "not start with the surge..." that the war was mismanaged from the start, that they failed to see possible religous clashes; smashing reality down on McCain's FACE.
Both sides traded blows with one another, and its hard, if not impossible to say which side won. Disregarding McCain's seriously lacking speech skills, Obama did not have many go's on McCain. People who liked McCain before the debate will like McCain now and people who liked Obama will still like Obama. For the undecided, this debate should not have been enough to change minds. The first "debate" was a quick test of the candidates' measure of sources and information, the upcoming ones will be the influential ones.

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