Sunday, October 19, 2008

( 30 S ) I would VOTE for........


1) Tax cuts : Obama said in his numerous debates that he is for tax cuts in the upper and middle class. Where as his competitor says we should leave the rich rich and keep the poor poor. Obama has stated that our economy is at an all time low. It has never been this low since the Great Depression! He is rallying a proposal called business tax credits. What that is, is simply tax cuts depending on your salary. He stated that we need to help struggling homeowners. Not only them but low financial businessess as well. If elected he would make this his top priority. We need our people to be rich, so our economy can follow.

2) Health Care : Obama, along with Biden, both agree that health care needs a new approach with the people. Health care has become a major issue with those who are struggling on a steady income. The types of insurance have too many fall throughs and too many side effects. What i mean by this is that if you want a plan that truly helps you have to unacceptable choices. One choice is that you let the government choose your plan and increase your taxes. Or you make a plan but have an unreliable service and/or doctor. Without consent of your doctors, how can you bond and how can they truly understand your situation? With Obamas plan, doctors are chosen by the patient and become more friendly visits. You can trust your hospita more, and not get higher taxes. Costs for insurance were said to drop by $2, 500 yearly.

3) Education : There are a few problems with the way our educational system is run today. Bush left us with a system call no child left behind. A great plan in theory, with major flaws. Though it does reach out to those who feel like the government doesnt care, it throws us back economically. If we support those who are not from this country, how can get out of debt? The debt I speak of is the one we have as american college citizens. I care because i am about to be a college attendant so Obama is talking about my fututre. He wants to help show parents that financial aid is available and that they are here to help. He has proved this through his 0 to 5 plan for infants to children. Biden and Obama want to help working people out as well with affordable child care programs for the time challenged families.

...You call it procrastination...I call it boredom.

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