Sunday, October 19, 2008

Joe The Plumber For President!

Ok, all joking aside, if I had the ability to go to the polls right now, I would vote for Barack Obama. One of the biggest reasons why I would vote for him, is because I hate Palin. Sure, McCain sucks too, but I have this utter abhorrence for sarah "Hockey Mom" Palin. Go back to Alaska! Although this may not seem like a legitimate reason to vote for Obama, when you really consider what the ramifications could be if she had any form of power, its scary. I feel as though she is far too conservative for the era we are now living in. Other than that what I like about Obama is:
Obama wants to reform the ideas behind no Child Left Behind and actualy make it work. I agree that the school system needs both funding and reform. I like the thought of getting better teachers into the school system and giving them higher pay. And the concept of removing teachers who do a poor job is a really good idea. I've had a couple of really bad teachers and if i had the chocice to relocate them, I sure would. Obama also wants to make college really affordable and I like that. As a senior who is learning just how expensive college is, anything that would make it cheaper is fine by me.
Taxation right now is really important because of the state of our economy. I feel that taxes cannot be raised any more than they alrady are, due to the fact that the average american is already in financial trouble. McCain wants to implement taxt breaks, but for the wrong people. I just don't feel that his plan is the plan that will work. I realize that I'm no expert on taxes, and that I don't fully understand the entire concept. However, even with the minimal knowledge that I was able to retain on the subject, I can see that Obama has a better plan of action.
I am an advocate of pro-choice. In my opinions the decision of whether or not to get an abortion is up to the woman. Obama's stance on abortion is concurrent with my own. I'm not a believer of late term abortions and neither is he. That is really the only case where I do not think its right to have an abortion. Other than that, it is not up to the government to say when a woman can and cannot have an abortion. And the stuff that Sarah Palin has been spewing? Uh, no. What if the child is a product of incestous rape? Is Palin going to just counsel the woman? It just doesn't seem right. There are so many scenarios, so many variables, that need to be taken into account. You cannot just say no.
And that is why I would vote for Obama, and not McCain, who looks like his whole body is covered in gross, elbow skin. And his "Pit Bull Hockey Mom" who absolutely terrifies me with her lack of intelligence.

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