Monday, October 20, 2008

vote for barack obama!

The last presidential debate finalized my judgment about Barack Obama. He was calm and collective about all his responses and retorts. He seemed like a guy that I could relate to because he is a young politician wanting to make a difference in this world. McCain seemed to stumble a lot during the debate and he was always attacking Obama’s proposals and plans. It seems that all he can do is bad mouth other people instead of focusing on his own policies. It seems like he’s more fighting for himself than he is for US citizens. Barack Obama focuses on the little guy while all John McCain cares about are the old, the rich, and the white. He consistently mentioned Joe the Plumber as a means to relate to the American people. He seemed like he was going to help the small businesses by giving them a $5000 tax credit when that is not enough for anything. And Obama is right on the tax issue. The more you make, the more you should pay. And if you are making over $250,000 a year, you should have the money to pay more. That money needs to cover the asses of and trickle down towards the smaller and less fortunate.
The first reason I would vote for Obama is because he represents change, more so than McCain who is way too conservative for my liking. Obama really wants to see this country back on its feet again after 8 years of hell from Bush. I see a great determination in him and he has a lot of great ideas to turn this nation around. Another reason I’d vote for him is because he has a very experience running mate as opposed to McCain’s choice. Biden has a lot of experience in the Senate and he would be an excellent successor should anything ever happen to Obama. Having Palin as President would kill this nation. She’d make the national sport hockey and bomb abortion clinics. The US would be so vulnerable to foreign attack with her as President. She should just stick to governing her little state that has been under the nation’s radar until just 6 or 7 weeks ago. There is a high chance of McCain dropping dead soon too.
My last reason for voting for Obama is because he thinks of the little guy. He calls out to the middle class and thinks of them in his proposals. He wants to support the middle class and bring them up in society while McCain just wants the rich to stay rich. This is of major importance because I will be in that middle class during my college years and higher education, and I want good health benefits and insurance, the best education at low costs, etc. It is the middle class that needs the most attention because it is them who are struggling in this broken economy. The rich will stay rich, and even if they lose money they will still be rich. The middle class are the ones who are struggling in this financial meltdown from paying high gas prices to getting their homes foreclosed. It is imperative that we vote for Barack Obama who will help the people who need a leader to stand up on their behalf when no one else will. He will bring change to this country and turn this nation into the greatest nation on Earth once again. I vote for Senator Barack Obama for President of the United States of America.

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