Sunday, October 19, 2008


If I could vote, i would vote for Barack Obama. But because i can't, i can tell others why to vote for him. Now first of all a lot of people may think that i am voting for him because i am black and he is black. However this is a false answer and truely wrong answer. I am voting for him because he is young, he wants change, and wants a tax cut. I think age has to play a big role in being president. After all you do have to be 35 in order to be president. I think age is important in this election because his running mate is too old. If you are younger you have fresh ideas, you can connect with the young people and the more mature people because he is not too young, but not too old. I also think tat he has new fresh ideas as well. McCain is just following in the footsteps of the other president, alive or dead.

When Obama says he wants change he is not just saying that because he would be the first black president. He is saying that because he wants America to change with him as well. Some changes could be helping the people in Dafor. No other president has ever brought up that idea before. They have brought up the word Africa but not that one place, which needs special attention. Which brings me to another point, can people stop refering to Africa as a country, it is a continent. Which mean it is a wide range of land, that has many differnt borders that are called countries. He might be saying that is wants to help Africa because he is half Nigerian. Well that is fine with me. He also wants to change the way the Middle Class lives. He wants to give the American families in the world that are in the Middle Class stage. Maybe thats because we have to focus on the poor because they have no money. But we also have to focus on the wealthy because they could be doing something againist the law. He also wants to change the Health care system. He wants everybody to have some sort of Health care. He also wants the troops home from the middle East. McCain might not be like president Bush, but he has voted with him 90% of the time.

He also want tax cut for everybody that pays taxes. This is why you should not vote for McCain of McInsane. First of all he is way too old. I think 71 is too old to run a country. You are going to get too stressed, then you can roll over and have some sort of stroke. Another reason why you should not vote for McCain is because he is has been in a war. A war that was fought when i was to young to remember. Having said that, that mean he must still have thoughts on the war and that can take over him while he is president. I think he wants to wants the taxes to be raised. And he keeps on makinf up random people when he gives his speeches. Like "Joe the Plumer", if you are going to talk about some one use there real name or try to come up with something different. He is not a good speaker at all, when it comes around to the debate. He always trys to find aways to work around the question, but never answers it. Just like Palin she always wants to go back to the tax cut. They never stya on topic. VOTE FOR OBAMA AND BIDEN.!

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