Saturday, October 4, 2008

Vice Presidential Debate

So I watched the Vice Presidential debate between Governor Sarah Palin and Senator Joe Biden this afternoon. I thought it was really weird how she answered her first question on the bailout by weaving bits and pieces of soccer into there. She really is a hockey mom. Anyway, I liked Biden's approach better. He got straight to the point and his answers were very clear, whereas Palin's answers were very vague. I found it hard to understand her, but that may be just me. And OH MY GOSH, that woman has a serious winking problem! And is she supposed to be looking at the camera? Because Biden isn't. He's looking at Gwen. I like Palin's hair though. It's cute. Anyway, I conclude that Palin really has no idea what she's talking about half the time, and that Joe Biden is a better candidate for Vice President. Obama and Biden FTW!

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