Sunday, October 5, 2008

V.P. Debate (Palin vs. Biden)

The debate ended with an obvious win by Biden. However Palin's performance during the vice presidential debate on Thursday nigh had shocked many. The debate covered the topics on economy, energy policy and last but not least foreign policy. Most of the time, Biden tried to link Palin and McCain to Bush as his strategy for the debate. For Palin, her strategy was just to try and recover her damaged image and to defend her qualification as a vice president. Although Palin showed "smile face" throughout the debate, but the points she made on the topics weren't as persuasive as Biden's. Most of the time, i have to say, she wasn't even really sure what she was talking about. She tried to lag as much on the topic she "sort of" knew so she didnt have to go into the topic that was a complete stranger to her. Overall, i think Biden was more persuasive in counterattacking Palin's ideas and Palin jsut babbled on whatever she knew.

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