Monday, October 20, 2008

senor barack

i would vote for barack obama. his views on abortion, immigration, and education closely relate to my feelings.
abortion: he gives women the right to choose what they want to do. if a women wants to have an abortion i think she should be able to. who is the government to say what a woman can or cant do with her body? maybe someone shouldve been more careful but at the same time babies come from rape, unwanted sex and accidental fertilization. barack supports extended access to birth control, more information and services that may reduce unintended pregnancies. his plans include more sex education, distributing contraceptives equally and offering education to rape victims on how to use emergency contraceptives. the thing i like the most is that he stands behind womens rights. i know if i got pregnant right now i would definetly turn to abortion. there is no way i could keep a baby im not ready for. so go obama!
immigration: he wants to 'fix the broken system'. i think the u.s. should let immigrants in. all theyre doing is coming here for a better life and more oppurtunities. its not like theyre coming and taking jobs. the only jobs they get are the shitty ones like working in fields and whatnot. i know for a fact that most, if not all americans would not want to be working in fields and doing garden work. they should appreciate the fact that immigrants come here with nothing and work so hard to make a better life for them and their fmailies. barack also says that of we can reunite families then why not? he also says that the immigrants have skills that our ecomony needs..aka farm skills. barack also wants to promot a better development in mexico. one thing i dont really like is that barack pretty much doesnt want immigrants here.
education: he believes in early education for infants..myself, not so much. i dont think infants should be educated becuase its not necessary. theyre babies maybe like 4 years old should be introduced to education but not little babies. i like his plan to make high child education affordable for families that cant really afford much. intervention stratagies to lower drop out rates is a great idea. we need people to graduate and without graduating they wont be anywhere. supporting english learners is nice of him too. bilingual education is really important and obama wants to make sure the schools make sure those students complete school. they should be teaching them and helping them succeed. college is important to me since i will start in less than a year and obama is saying that $4,000 will be given to college students [most families]. its not much but it definitly helps. covering 2/3 of public univeristies and even making community college tuition virtually free, these things will definitly help out alot of students who deserve to go to college.

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