Saturday, October 4, 2008

Biden vs Palin

The vice presidential debate was definitely a must watch. Considering the extremely low expectations placed on Palin, she did remarkably well. She didn't stumble too much, for one thing. Palin showed off her diplomatic skills by never actually answering the question. Her lack of historical knowledge (McClellan? Really? It's the 1800s? So, I've been delusional my entire life.), limited vocabulary (maverick, change, maverick, maverick, maverick), and folksy speech served wonderfully to demonstrate her more than acceptable experience. Who wouldn't want her as our probable next president?

Now as for Biden, please, nobody wants a know-it-all with, God forbid, rationality! That would be the end of our magnificent, stigmaless, deified country! Sure Biden was polite and respectful at all times, but what he said made sense, and he actually answered the questions given to him. Blasphemy, that's what it is.

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