Sunday, October 5, 2008

"Thanks, But No Thanks"

Once again, this was not the bloodbath I had hoped for, but it was entertaining all the same. I believe its safe to say that Govenor Sarah Palin was not the winner of this debate; Senator Joe Biden was. However, I don't feel that his competition was much of a challenge to overcome. And had Joe Biden not come out victorious, it's probable that all respect for him would have been utterly lost. Because losing to "VP Barbie" really isn't acceptable.

The debate covered a modicum of topics ranging from: The Economy, Taxation, Gay Marriage, War in Iraq, Global Warming (Ooops, I mean "Climate Change") and many more. Both Vice Presidential candidates had their respective stances on said topics, exchanging slight, but powerful blows. However when Senator Biden called McCain's health care plan "the real bridge to nowhere" I all but teared up from laughter. When you think about it though, Sarah Palin does deserve a round of applause for being able to dodge each and every question like she was Neo from the Matrix. Seriously though, Palin did not answer the questions, she danced around them. I didn't want to hear about her father who was watching the debate, or her track record, or the many other nonsensical tangents she went off on. I wanted answers. I actually wanted her to KNOW what she was talking about, not pretend to know. I understand that she was trying to fix her damaged image, but if anything she just added a few more dents. I realize that Biden may not be as fun to watch as Palin, but at least he had answers; not the ones I might have wanted to hear, but answers all the same. He maintained composure, stuck to his strategy of linking Bush to McCain, and had legitimate evidence to support himself. He managed to do what Palin could only fake.

Going off on a bit of a tangent here, I can't help but say that Palin's constant usage of the term "maverick" was all but insanely grating on me. Thank God Biden finally said something on it towards the end of the debate. "A maverick he is not." (referring to McCain) I do believe that it was my single most loved moment of the entire debate. Palin, however, handled the hit well and maintained her composure. It was slightly impressive.

All in all, I sort of wish that the debate had lasted longer. Sure, Biden was uninspired. And yeah, Palin sounded like a ditz playing the all too real game of politics. But the whole thing sort of gives the viewer some insight as to what it is we, as a nation, either have to look forward or utterly fear.

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