Saturday, October 18, 2008

Once you go black you cant go back

I supported Obama from the day he popped up on the democratic nominations. He's tall dark and handsome, and I'm sure he likes to take long strolls on the beach with his long legs and listen to jazz with his big ears....ookay....that was awkward. I also would vote for him because of his wonderful policies. im sure youve read these policies over and over again in the past blogs, but here i go!

Obama's proposed tax cuts are a wonderful idea. Focusing on the middle class, these tax cuts will alleviate the pile of sh** of an economy that we are in right now. although Bush similarly agreed to cut taxes, and hten raised them, i have a feeling that obama will follow through wiht his words. This would also help the working seniors, whom are increasing in number. about seven million seniors will ahve no more income taxes to plague them. since our nation is becoming more productive, taxes must be cut to follow in suit. Power will come back to the working middle class. Bush, helped the rich aristocrats of society, when the poor were in need of assitance.

TO be honest, i disagree with the war in general. however, i do not like MCCain's policies on the war, and so i side wiht obama. BIllions upon billions of dollars are being wasted on the war. what could be used for maintaining our infrastructure, expanding our nation, and helping improve it, we are wasting on a war that bastardchild Bush started. McCain just wants to continue fighting. he persistently insists on our success in the war, and does not believe that this war is a problem. obama, on the other hand, wants to pull out and tehrefore, i agree on this. although he also proposes yet a plan of attack, it is much better than McCain's.

Finally, i would vote for Obama for the sake of not letting palin have a shot at the presidency. I am not kidding, this is a VERY VEYR VERY serious issue. McCain is a dinosaur from 4000 years ago (hahah i kid the palin) and if he dies, that loser from alaska will be our president. if that happens, America will crumble, china will send farmers to trample america to a pulp, and oceans will evaporate. surely, if Sarah Palin become president, our whole nation will fall and 200 years of hard work will be put to waste. that alone should be enough reason to vote for Obama. His healthcare plan is also nice, but i doubt it will make situations in america any better. i mean, we DO have the crappiest health care system in all of the world.

and so this is why i would vote for Obama. GO OBAMA!

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